Kad rašytum,turi prisijungti.
Asdf vel vaistu nebegeri
Ciuhinkis hamasekas!
Sveiki visi, čia rašo Malatun. Aš atvykau į svečius pas asdf.
Faktas 😉
Laukiam rudenio. Baigsis geri orai, pradės rinktis žmonės.
MALATUN, visi išsilakste, būtu like būtu ir žaide, o dabar tokia situacija ir nieko čia nepadarysi, gal su laiku pasikeis kažkas
Also the CSDM requires Password to continue, its in construction @Normis? Looking forward for the active CSDM
Hello @everyone, here again after long time. Missing everyone in the CSDM sv
Per 7 metus dar nemačiau taip numirusio servo 😀😀
Maybe wait september
hello Normis. quick question mate. will it take you some time till winter, like december for new server CSDM>?
Sveiki visi
Atnaujinta statistika.
Silence, hello! You are N-18, but you are welcome to try, couple of years llater.
if i m not gonna select than gamis close this topic
Csdm will be when project will be done, and now is summer so it is not important to open now