. Šiauliu.LT - Tavo Counter-Strike žaidimas, CS 1.6 dowload
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[off] 13/07/2024 13:14
Csdm will be when project will be done, and now is summer so it is not important to open now

[off] 12/07/2024 18:36
sveiki visi Šypsosi

[off] 10/07/2024 20:28
yo man that's sad. old good server, nice players like JL_Audio, Velniava, Marsass and others. Lets wait for new project. Thanks for information <3

[off] 08/07/2024 00:03
Game play, hello game play,yes it is dead.new project by Normis in progress

[off] 06/07/2024 16:32
what is the password for CSDM mafija? I wasnt use to be like this